Tuesday, March 5, 2013

You've Got a Friend

Been struggling with a lot of things in my life recently…trying to heal past wounds and call forth the energy to create new opportunities. Most of which has rather become a push and shove of life’s web and getting more caught up in some sticky situations.

Perception is really everything in life. I mean no matter what you have, if you can’t see it…it’s not really there. I can’t say I have been seeing a whole lot of what I have lately except for the lack of something. It’s hard to bring my ass back into focus when I can only see the hard ships.

Something I have started to notice though has really shined past all the bullshit…I have amazing friends! I have been truly blessed so that no matter what happens I always have good people around me. Everyone comes into our lives at certain cross roads. Some are there for moments, others teach us hard lessons we would have rather not learn, and a very small handful are the kind of special ‘one in a million’ you may keep for the rest of your life. The kind of people that…no matter where you travel, how long between seeing each other, and how much you have changed or grown, you just pick up right where you left off the last time you saw each other.

Life can be one hell of a kick in the ass but you know with the right kind of people around you can get up, dust yourself off, and get back on that horse and ride like Zorro into the sunset or the dawn of another day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The New Beginning

Life has no rules, no truly defined outline or instruction manuals able to assist you just at that moment; when the shit hits the fan. They say you are already innately born with all the talent and skills you need to make this adventure all it is suppose to be. The quest to find ones self seems, at least, to result in losing your way more then ever before, asking questions that only result in more questions and less answers.  Failure finds learning however less sought then success.

I have let go of the idea of “plans”, knowing now that expectations narrow the view for achievement. However the ability to focus on ones desires can also grant a connection with their alignment in life. Still the more you learn the less you know. The more you see the less you realize you have seen.

I guess life is an ever perplexing maze of illusion. Granting you a moment to dance in the sun and create something worth while. Perhaps, I may never find what I seek… once I get to one destination there may be an all the more enticing location only a little further down the road.  

Welcome to the ever evolving unknown and this woman's quest to create a little magic of her own.